River Avon
Salisbury & District Angling Club
It has been a torrential few days. Where could I go fishing? The Wye was decidedly out of sorts and so it was an easy decision. The River Avon it would be. But when I arrived what a sight greeted me. I was apprehensive walking down to the river. Sure enough the river was running fast and dirty. But it had also come over its banks and so now you waded rather than walked along the path.
However the trout didn't seem to mind the strange conditions. And neither did the mayfly. They were coming off steadily; and as the afternoon progresses, spinners appeared as well. The fish were still keen on the mayflies. Sometimes the fish seem to get fed up with a diet of these large meaty mayflies. Whilst the trout preyed heavily on the flies; there were no birds to scoop up those that made it up into the air. Why was this?
The fish were kind today and after three hours I had caught enough trout to satisfy any fish hunger. The weather was threatening to rain again. It was time to turn around and wade back along the banks, back to the car. With such surprises, how could you ever get bored fishing?
Stonehenge Beat in high water